Wednesday, June 02, 2010
♥ 11:28 PM
i saw this on yahoo and it got me thinking "So, tell us, just how much money is needed to run a charity or a religious organisation? Is it right that they be run and financed like a private corporation? Or is the concept of a simply-run, no-frills church an out-dated model in this day and age?"
well, when i read this question, e first thought that came into my mind was ," this is just like the question of how much money is needed to keep a person alive? Is it right that a person is very prosperous? is the concept of living a mediocre life an out-dated model in this day and age?" come on, we all know the answer to these questions. The Bible says that the Church is the Body of Christ!
Matthew 16:18
... I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.