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Thursday, September 24, 2009
♥ 9:20 PM

i think this song is kinda nice and encouraging

♥ 8:32 PM

something to hold on, something to hope for, something to look forward to, something to lessen this load, something practical, something that is secure, something that makes me happy.

nevermind. i just need a holiday, a break, a vacation, a time out, or in my dictionary, an escape from reality.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
♥ 5:43 PM

one thing i can never understand. why do people use vulgarities? cox it's cool? cox it's fun? cox it's the only word that can express the way you're feeling?

this is bad man. not "bad" as in sheryl's "bad" but really bad.

well, personally i just feel that it's not only crude. that's too minor. it's revolting, it's demeaning, it just shows how little EQ do you have, and it's insulting to your level of intelligence. as in, do you even know what are you saying? do you truly understand the meaning behind those words and mean what you say? okay, i admit im kinda pissed while typing this.

anw, for ppl who have poor anger management, doesn't mean that when you're angry you can just say whatever you wanna say and insult whoever you wanna insult! come on, just record yourself speaking when you're angry and you'll get what im trying to say. it's just so provoking and upsetting to hear! as in, even though the person you're cursing is not me, it's disturbing to even hear! oh man... im gonna puke...

well, for a start, maybe you can just focus in on the problem and just discuss about it. dont go from yesterday to last month to even last year or even better, try to predict the future. this is insane! and when solutions are given to you, dont give too much "buts" cox it just makes the other person not interested to listen anymore. okay, let's say you just want to rant and dont need any solutions. then just rant, but dont rant on and on and on about the same thing! just say what happened, why are you angry, what do you think could have been done, and what do you think can be done now, and FULLSTOP! dont start judging and cursing and swearing and comparing cox it's incredibly uncomfortable to hear! okay, im done pouring out my frustration. some prelim results are out and it's a little disappointing but it's okay (: no regrets! just move on!

Thursday, September 17, 2009
♥ 6:10 PM

okay.. prelims are over. but A level is coming.

i can sense the doom for my prelims. As in after losing 15 marks of vectors today, ya, kinda screwed. you know what? i was so careless i did this... 500= 500 x 0. awesome right? and cox this is (ai), the rest dont need to say liao. oh man, and i was so confident for vectors. nvm, like what they say, at least now i know how careless i can get, i wont repeat my mistakes during the A's.

But the good news is that i feel much more comfortable with my subjects now ( except econs ). at least it's no longer " i dont know how to finish" but rather " i have not enough time to finish". Although this exam seems like the best i've taken so far, i doubt my results will be much better.

Monday, September 14, 2009
♥ 8:16 PM

okay, after blogging about miscellaneous stuff, let's talk about sth else.

purpose. well, i believe that for everything there's a purpose, for everybody there's also a purpose. it all depends on whether we wanna hold on to that purpose no matter what.

for everything that happens in life, there's a good purpose to it. if we happen to find it and hold on to it, no matter how shitty life becomes, we'll be thankful that it happened. ppl give up when they lose sight of the positive purpose behind it. sure, it's easy to know it when everything's going well, but it's when the test comes will it all be shaken.

then there's this other thing called the higher purpose. when we find the higher purpose, our problems start to seem smaller. it's like looking at things from an airplane, it all seems within your hands.

similarly for humans, we all have purposes in each other's lives. find it, hold on to it, get the best out of it.

well then, can purposes be lost? yes, if we choose to abuse it. but the good news is, it is always there, somewhere, waiting for us to find it back.

anw, just to side track, pastor was preaching about loyalty last week. He talked about Ruth being loyal to Naomi, and her vows to her. and pastor was just saying that should be the way we relate to one another. yes! i fully agree with him! for a start, wouldn't it be so securing to know that the ppl whom you're mixing around with, are ppl like Ruth? ppl who trusts you no matter what, choose to stick to you when life gives them a million reasons not to, choose to honor whatever and whoever you honor? amazing isn't it? life's simple, that's what everybody wants. if you can do it, you can be a best friend to anybody. the sad part is that not many of us are like Ruth. We give in when life gives us reasons to, we choose to get more than we give, we want things our way and find it hard to like the things the other person likes. like what my favourite person in singapore now says," it's all about me!" then comes her other favourite sentence," you know, BOOMS!" wow! how amazingly sensible these two sentences make sense here. hahaha. okay, enough of goofing around. life rocks!

♥ 8:03 PM

oh man... at a time like now i should be studying for my econs paper tml. but then again, maths kinda drained the crap out of me, so im here, erm... doing what i'm not supposed to be doing. but surprisingly, there's some hope in me passing the paper. as in, vectors kinda shocked me cox what usually would weigh like 12 marks came out only er... 6 marks this time? shocked me real good cox that's my best topic and even if i get the full marks, it'll only be 6/100. oh man.. paper 2 better have at least 20 marks of vectors. actually im kinda thankful for going for tuition. cox i think if this time round i pass everything, it's all because of tuition. maths tuition saved 14/20 marks for my last question, sequence and series. still cant believe they tested 20 marks on that. wow!

i realised this prelims is all about the tiny topics and details that you'll pay attention to when you have a microscopic brain.

i realised i havent said this for a long time... Jia You Bubu!

Wednesday, September 09, 2009
♥ 11:06 PM

for once i feel saturated and overwhelmed from studying bio. interleukin-2 receptor gamma chain is driving me nuts. HAHA

Tuesday, September 08, 2009
♥ 2:23 PM

This post is intended for all the students in E449. But if you're a student, i believe that you will also be encouraged (:

As the exams are drawing near, be it N levels, O levels, Promos, A levels, or whatever exams you are going through in life, sometimes people tend to feel tired, stretched, stressed out. And the thoughts that are constantly on our minds are thoughts of negativity, defeat, uncertainty, doubt. Let me assure you, THIS IS NOT THE WILL OF GOD for your life.

As a student, our primary calling and season before anything else is to do well in our studies. Because it is our primary calling, God will do everything He can to help us do well. Be assured that He will not leave us alone to fend for ourselves. The Bible says that He will never leave us nor forsake us.

Matt 6:33
But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

What's your purpose of studying? For myself, i started studying because God asked me to. I wanted to do well for my studies so that i can glorify Him. If you'd known me since primary school, i was not studious at all. it was not until i had this new mindset that i tried to study. For us, our priority should be God, studies, then everything else. Even church ministry comes after studies. God is a good Father, He wants us to be happy and live a good life. Everybody wants to do well in studies, who doesn't? Will you be happy if you'd done badly? Will your parents be happy when you fail? Will your friends and teachers be proud of you? nope. Simple as that. God is glorified when everybody is happy. So dont even think for one second that God is okay with us compromising on our studies to serve Him or His people. His plans and desires are only good and wonderful towards us. Don't worry that He'll not come true for you if you put Him first and desire to do well in your studies. Dont be crippled by fear. But the Bible says that we are more than conquerors in Christ! Dont be afraid of any paper, just study the BEST you can for it, go and take it with confidence, leave the examination hall without having regrets, and tell yourself," I've done my best. I'll let God do the rest."

Jia You guys! I know we can do it!

Matt 19:26
Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

Sunday, September 06, 2009
♥ 9:13 PM

confusion. i knew this post was coming. i could sense it. haha.

why cant things be defined as yes or no? this way, life can be so much simpler since everything is definite, even the Bible agrees with this in a sense by saying be either hot or cold and not luke warm. but then again, by putting a definite answer to everything makes us legalistic and nobody likes rules. so how?

Times like these we end up in confusion. Actually, if you take a closer look at it, confusion comes when one chooses to escape from making decisions or they are afraid that the decision they would make will not be one they may like, hence the term used to describe this kind of feeling.. confusion. So in this sense it's not really good to be confused right? since it's merely used as a form of escape from reality, refusing to acknowledge either of the opportunity cost you have to pay.

Seriously, im confused about certain issues. maybe it's really because i refuse to define it and move on to other stuff. the same thing has been on my mind these few months. maybe im supposed to have some answers or it's trying to force me into defining it. but i dont think i want an answer. you know like how some ppl are addicted to being emo? i think im addicted to being confused. oh man...

Tuesday, September 01, 2009
♥ 3:37 PM

here's sth i've read from pastor's daily devotion which i felt is very good (:

And especially those who walk according to the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise authority. They are presumptuous, self-willed … 2 Peter 2:10

David prayed, “Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me. Then I shall be blameless, and I shall be innocent of great transgression” (Ps. 19:13). As we live our lives by faith, we have to understand the difference between faith and presumption:
Faith is a response to the initiative of God.
Presumption takes the initiative away from God so that the believer acts on his own initiative. Presumption is acting according to our own human will. “But they continued to sin against Him, rebelling in the desert against the Most High. They willfully put God to the test by demanding the food they craved” (Ps. 78:17-18, NIV). Presumption is a sin against God. In almost all cases, presumption is classified as such a deadly sin, it is punishable by death!
Presumption is linked to the Word of God in two ways:
(1) To claim a prophecy to be a Word of the Lord when it is not, often leading to death (Deut. 18:20, 22).
(2) To overstep the Word of the Lord and to do beyond what His Word has said, often leading to destruction (Num. 14).
There are various occasions of presumptuous sin recorded in the Bible:
(1) The presumptuous sin of the children of Israel (Num. 14:39-45).
(2) The presumptuous sin of Saul (1 Sam. 13:8-14).
(3) The presumptuous sin of David (2 Sam. 6:1-7).
While faith recognizes and yields to God’s sovereign will, presumption asserts selfwill. Faith is totally dependant on God and His rhema-Word, but presumption is dependant on our own interpretation of the logos. Faith will bear fruits that glorify God, but presumption contains an element of human arrogance and self-glorifi cation.
Faith is yielding to God, but presumption demands, compels, forces and insists. So how can a Christian avoid presumption?
(1) Line-up your faith with the whole counsel of God’s Word.
(2) Do not do anything hastily (Prov. 20:21; 25:8, Eccl. 5:2).
(3) Never impose your faith on others (Rom. 12:3).
(4) Live at your own level of faith (12:6).
(5) Always remember that in the multitude of counselors there is safety (Prov. 11:14).

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