Saturday, July 25, 2009
♥ 9:34 PM
life's short, live it the best way you possibly can.
question: what do you want to accomplish in life? how can you get there? are you actively working towards it now?
humans are often confused. they are unsure of their needs, their desires, their thoughts, their feelings. and when they cant make a decision between their choices, they decide to do it the "hannah montanah" way. the best of both worlds. However, they forgot that it's only a disney show and in reality, it's not feasible at all. well, the Bible says that we're to be either hot or cold and not lukewarm. let our yes be yes and no be no, and not "maybe". sometimes we're just so afraid to admit to our thoughts and feelings just because we think that it's not right. and we let guilt creep into our hearts silently. so we end in a scenario like this... our thoughts and feelings drive us in one direction, while "guilt" drives us in another direction. and on the end, we get nowhere and achieve nothing. all we managed to do was to waste time, energy, and effort. we got here because we tried to do it alone.
two heads are better than one. when things go wrong and we know it, dont be afraid to admit it. tell someone about it and we can definitely work things out. be it a good ending or bad ending, at least there's an end to where we're heading. and from there, we can move on with life (:
Thursday, July 23, 2009
♥ 11:12 PM
Humans are so interesting and annoying cox they're always changing and you just cant figure them out. complicated God makes complicated man. sometimes i wish that life would be simple and i can figure most things out. why must man always desire to know more? sometimes not knowing is better than knowing but the feeling of not knowing drives one crazy. sometimes it's good to just be alone. at least you dont have to bother about anyone else except yourself. cox only you and God know yourself best, you can never understand another person cox they're constantly changing, and nobody will understand you fully and plainly even if you tell them everything cox there are things that just cannot be expressed in words.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
♥ 8:52 PM
Is it possible to stop caring for somebody just by making a decision not to? Why must people be led by their hearts? people say that the furthest distance is from your brain to your heart. cox sometimes your brain tells you not to do something but on the other hand, your heart is giving you a thousand and one reason to do it. The Bible says that we're created in the image of God. and the kingdom of God is a kingdom of opposites. He says give if you want to be rich, serve if you want to be high and mighty. these are all conflicting theories to our carnal minds. but to God, it makes the most sense. maybe that's why we're wired up like that; having two opposite forces working inside of us all the time.
well, i guess the question is.. "when do we follow our head and when do we follow our heart?" hmm..
Monday, July 13, 2009
♥ 10:03 PM
i realized it's been awhile since i blogged about my day to day mundane stuff. maybe that's why people keep asking me "how's life?" Haha! So here's a post to update how has life been.
Basically, school has been tiring. or if you need a more detailed explanation, it's extremely exhausting. Ya, since the start of school term till now, other than the few days straight after my exams, i had practically very little rest. lessons stretched from 8 to 7 on a few occasions. and guess what, I've just received news that in a few weeks time, it'll be from 8 to 9! hurray! not 8am to 9am of cox! that will be in my dreams. it's from 8am to 9pm. life rocks! Whoo~
Okay, i just received my exam results and frankly speaking, it's kinda embarrassing. really. just did not do as well as i expected. and trust me, my expectations are not very high. other than my SA2, i just sat for this maths practice paper today. although i know i'd probably not pass, I feel quite happy about it. I'm not a sadist, nor am i depressed. it's just that im glad that whichever question i attempted, i could do most of it. i guess my downfall was that i spent too much time on each question, so i did not manage to complete the paper.
Now for something funny. my classmates and i went to the photocopy shop before my paper wanting to photocopy the formula booklet cox kuku me forgot to bring. but the photocopy shop had closed 30mins ago. hoping for some miracle, i peered into the locked door and i saw the two aunties probably finishing up some work. so me, being kinda desperate for a copy of the formula booklet, went to ask them," auntie, is it okay that you photocopy one copy of formula booklet for me please?" and i gave her that puss-in-boots look. to my horror, she did not fell for it! oh man! im so disappointed... i should have just winked at her. i think that would have worked so much better. HAHAHA! im just kidding.
anw, that's about all for my life. good night people!~
Saturday, July 11, 2009
♥ 9:37 PM
ever heard christians say," I don't want to be rooted in a church" or " I don't need to join a cell group" ? Very often their reason is that they feel that religion is just between them and God. Yes, i agree that God wants to have a PERSONAL relationship with us, but i couldn't agree more that God desires for us to build Godly relationships with people around us. So in this sense, our christian walk should be God+ Me + People. I realise God likes the number 3. God is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus also chose 3 disciples out of the 12 to be closest to Him. So likewise, our relationship with God should also involve three parties, God, ourselves, and other people.
I believe that for different seasons of our lives different people will be sent to us, each for a specific purpose. Even the Bible talks of us like different parts of a body. How can the eye tell the ears "I dont need you"? The fact is we all complete each other in one way or another. In Ephesians 3:22, it says "in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the spirit". Notice it uses the word "being" which is in the continuous tense. and not only that, but it also follows with the word "together". Which means that we are in the process of building/helping each other to become better people. And if we do this, TOGETHER, we will become a dwelling place of God. The Bible also says in Genesis 2:18 that it is not good that man should be alone. When God saw that Adam was alone, He gave Him Eve to be his helper. Similarly, God has placed "Eve"s in our lives too. Not "Eves" as in spouse (that He will also provide), but i'm refering to "Eve"s as a helper. They may come as leaders, friends, family, teacher, and so on.
Also, more than God sending people into our lives to help us, we are also being sent into other people's lives to help them. I like something which pastor Tan shared awhile ago. he said that when we take communion, it is not to remind ourselves that Jesus Christ died for us on the cross, but to remind ourselves that in the same way that Jesus sacrificed for us, we are to also sacrifice for the people around us. I've heard people said that christians are very judgmental, that because of our narrow-mindedness people feel outcasted, people such as smokers, homosexuals, ex-convicts ect. I feel that it's because people see christianity as a religion. To me, RELIGION = RULES. and i hate rules. so right form the beginning i was never bought into this religion thing. what caught me was a relationship. a relationship with a God who loves. and out of this love that we've received from Him, we are to share it with the broken-hearted, the rejected, the vulnerable. The perfect example to follow is Jesus. Throughout His whole ministry on earth He touched the lepers, He fellowships with the tax collectors, people whom the "holy" ones thought were unclean and unfit to be touched and cared for. But Jesus' heart was all out for them.
So anw, my point is that we are called into fellowship. We were meant for relationships. Maybe this post will give you a different view towards church? That it's not just for singing songs and feeling all happy inside when we exit the church door on sundays. More importantly, it is a means for us to build relationships for us to help one another grow. Remember, you are never alone in life, there are always people who are thinking of you, praying for you, whether you know it or not (:
Saturday, July 04, 2009
♥ 1:11 AM
i was just talking to some ppl about an incident in my life that happened some time ago. And as i looked back at certain things i realized some shocking stuff that really pissed me off. okay, i know it is stupid to be angry over things that has happened so long ago but i cannot take it!! i need to let it out! Argh!!!
This is too much man! humans are just so difficult to understand and we make each other feel so insecure. to different ppl, their definitions of good/ close friends can be so different. why? perspectives? principles? and i can never understand where do i stand to you! this feeling sucks! okay, although recently it doesn't matter to me anymore but it's still shit when i know that it was only that much that i meant to you. Then what's the point of telling me everything? Was i just a dustbin? I can never understand and now, i dont even bother to.
okay, that's all, it's just to vent my frustration for sth that some idiot has wasted my time a long time ago. Bye
Life rocks now! Whoo!
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
♥ 11:34 PM
It's a very weird feeling when you doubt yourself.
okay, i'm glad exams are over. Just pray and hope for the best. I really need God to come true for me now.
Life is just confusing sometimes. Why must things be in the grey area? maybe certain things should have a clear line drawn so i wouldn't be so confused.