Sunday, November 25, 2007
♥ 10:09 PM
Aunt just left my house. cousin's whole family came over to help with the luggage packing. phew! hard work. so many things nid buy. but im so looking forward to my USA trip! Disney Land! Skiing! Shopping! White Christmas! hahaha!! oh ya! almost forgot my purpose of blogging...DO NOT CALL ME IN DECEMBER!!! especially cell grp, pls delete jac and my name from the mass sms list. do not tell me where u all are seated every sunday, or ask if im coming for cell grp and service. hee hee! paiseh ah, cox every time i go overseas always receive these smses one. feel free to drop me an email if got anything. i'll probably check once a week. oh, and i had a wonderful day today! had a great time at discipleship! hee hee! hope u guys reading are having a great day too!
share with you guys a revelation i got some time ago. you know when u feel weak ppl always tell u "let the joy of the Lord be your strength". since the 1st day i became a christian i always thought in my mind dat this "joy of the Lord" thing is a mysterious source of energy dat somehow just gives u supernatural strength. Until one day when i was buying a gift for a fren (the gift was quite expensive) and i was kind of reluctant to give it to her after i bought it cox i oso wanted it. then this thought came into my mind.. " just give it to her. as long as she's happy den i'll be happy". Then the Holy Spirit began to speak to me. He said that "this is the kind of love I desire. as long as wad you do makes me happy, then u urself will be happy. Just like when u gave the gift to your fren and ur whole day seems brighter cox of her smile, when your thoughts and actions makes Me smile your whole day will be full of joy and strength." then i understand that this is wad it means by the joy of the Lord. that you love God so much dat as long as He's happy, You'll be happy! so often ppl just use "the joy of the Lord" as a term but actually they did not do anything that pleases Him. so how can u get ur strength when He's not happy? hahaha! anyway, this is just a simple revelation i got some time ago but recently i just keeps popping out, so i decided to blog it here:)
Friday, November 23, 2007
♥ 12:00 AM
Bubu is very tired now. BUT! before i go to slp i just wanna blog about this. Jiang Ling is finally back! whoo hoo! so happy!! at first i was kinda worried dat she will become so thin dat i can hardly recognise. but when i saw her she looked just fine! so.. yeah! gd gd! although i waited 2 hours at the airport... hahaha! i oso din expect any presents although a lot of ppl kept telling me dat she will surely buy me presents. but as usual, the " not too smart" me guessed wrongly! which is a veri good thing in this case! hee hee! cox she got me a lot of presents! okie, Bubu is grinning from ear to ear now. show u guys some of the things she bought 4 me...
here are 3 things which she bought.. a mickey mouse bubble gum, a brown Levi's cardigan, and my "wanted for very very very long" audio-technica earphone! and dere's more to come! cox she said some of my presents were in her fren's bag. her bag overload le. so, yup! just the earphones alone im already over the moon! cox i realli wanted this earphone for veri long le! but it was quite ex so i kinda kept shifting the idea of getting it. and lo and behold! she bought it for me! and the exact colour i wanted somemore! whoo hoo! love my da zhu sooo much! she always knows wad i want. hee hee! okie la, Bubu's realli tired now. had badminton in the morning. signing off! bye!
Monday, November 19, 2007
♥ 8:24 PM
had an "eventful" weekend. dun understand? okie, I'll use the "S" word.. Stressed! yup. maybe it's coming to that period of the month so my tolerance level is kinda low. feeling kinda overwhelmed by things and ppl. sometimes i realli realli realli dun understand how can ppl live life as if they're in eternity already. argh! the whole weekend everybody, and i realli mean everybody, practically just left me dere to die. this usher guy.. pissed me off sooo bad. dun wanna do den dun do la! dat kind of attitude! argh! jinyi's phone is down so nobody booked seats for e cg. called up every member cox i was serving so cant book seats. rushed here and dere. tot today could take a break and just go roller blading wif sheryl. things went quite well, until it started to rain. continued blading after e rain subsided to a drizzle. went home and mom pissed me off. i realli dun like it when she just goes on blabbering and blabbering bout me being this and me being dat "so useless" " so lazy". argh!! save me!!!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
♥ 1:45 AM
went dye my hair today. the hair stylist was sooo cute! hahaha! i rem his name is shawn. dyed my hair red with red fine highlights. the shawn recommend one. i wanted more obvious colour but he said my skin tone not suitable for those kind. so.. nvm. mark and jinyi said it was veri nice. but to me it felt... not realli wad i wanted la. but still okie. in the dark it looks black. under the sun more obvious. who noes? maybe like my ds lite i'll grow to love it more and more. hee!! and i asked shawn how much is it for me to just cut my hair. he said for my hair length just cut and wash will be $45!! and today i cut, dye, highlight, wash( x2), spa treatment. cost me $90. see how much i saved! just thinking bout it makes me happy! hahaha! and da zhu's coming back next thurs! lalala... miss her so much
Thursday, November 15, 2007
♥ 9:45 PM
was just listening to the chinese radio channel. heard that tml is the grad day for the PSLE students. the DJ was saying sec sch is a new phase of life and stuff. and she mentioned about the feeling of lost if none of ur frens goes to the same sec sch as u. den she said," do u rem ur first day in sec sch?" den the song they played was peng you by zhou hua jianwell, i feel dat wad she said was more appropriate for sec sch grad than pri sch. and wad she said hit my case on the bull's eye. realli reminded me of my first day of sec sch. i was the onli person who came to hai sing from my pri sch. even up till today, im still the onli 1. haha! i gotta admit, i realli felt veri veri lost. suddenly miss my pri sch buddies so much. rem the head prefect cum top student, Janet. and the ever funni and best in chi Eileen. lastly, the shy and discreet cheng boon. actually come to think of it im realli veri lucky to be in class 6.4. cox up till today, all of dem still keep in touch. despite the sch not allowing us to go back during teacher's day, somehow we all managed to still keep in touch with each other and every year sure got at least one gathering chalet. haix.. but this yr's chalet i'll be away.. boo hoo.. shucks, Bubu is feeling emo...
♥ 12:16 AM
Os are finally over yest! whoo! HOLIDAYS! lalala.... had chalet yest. was sooooooo boring! so decided not to go today and tml. oh oh... and im sooooo addicted to nintendogs! it's AWESOME! i got 3 new pups! let me introduce.. a schnauzer( ocean), a beagle( sexy), and a yokie( storee )! wad awesome names right? and they are all so clever! first thing in the morning, nintendogs! last thing at night, nintendogs! whoo! and i've got an ipod in my ds lite! how cool is dat right? let u all see...
cool yea? mario kart is an awesome game too! and super mario bros, and and cooking mama! ooooh.. im sooo addicted! wad a great way to kick statr the looooong HOLIDAYS! hahaha!! im gonna go dye my hair on fri oso! lalala..
oops, it's over 12 already and i've not bathe. shucks! hee hee! gotta go! ciao!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
♥ 9:47 PM
as i come into Your presencepass the gates of praiseinto Your sanctuarytill we're standing face to faceI looked upon Your countenanceI see the fullness of Your graceI can only bow down and say...You are awesome in this place mighty GodYou are awesome in this place Abba FatherYou are worthy of all praiseto You our hearts we raiseYou are awesome in this place mighty God!yest and today was simply awesome! services were like so so good! first night was on Holy Spirit and second day was on suffering. and i totally enjoyed serving today! i've nvr enjoyed serving external so much. cox i get to hold a set! whoo hoo! so fun! "traffic 3 to traffic over" hahaha! i love Grace so much! cox she give me chance to hold set! Lalala... oh! and and another awesome thing... ds lite! finally! and i got it at a damn good bargain! it's much much cheaper than expected! whoo hoo! got a sexy coloured console, 2 styluses, R4 and everything for $30 cheaper than expected! ( my expected praice is already veri veri low) the console + screen protector cost less than $200 la! Bubu is realli so happy!i'm looking at my charging console laying on my mouse pad now... lalala... joyful feeling in my heart..
Saturday, November 10, 2007
♥ 1:05 AM
1 more paper to go. cant believe it's over so quickly. i know im supposed 2 feel happy and stuff. but recently i just cant seem to get realli happy. wonder wad's wrong. every thing's going realli well. prayed for my psp to get sold. and lo and behold my fren who said she changed her mind bout buying my psp suddenly gave me a call yest saying dat now she suddenly wanna buy my psp again. so she came after she called me and passed me e cash straight away. but still din feel happy for long leh. was like dancing for 5 mins den no more le. but at least now things are much more relaxed for me. more cash to play around with. thinking of either buying a ds lite now or after i come back from USA. cant seem to make up my mind. even if i decide to buy i cant make up my mind on which colour 2 buy oso. ah im getting so tired. eggs are hatching, kings are born, fishes and tortoises rise to form a bridge over the sea. gosh, duno wad am i talking oso. better get some rest soon.