Saturday, September 29, 2007
♥ 1:27 AM
just came back from zone meeting. so tired now.. caught e last train and last bus home. luckily i slept b4 i went boon lay. or else i will realli fall flat on my bed now. today was quite a fruitful day. managed to clock 4 hours of studying from pasir ris to boon lay, wait 45min for ppl, and back from boon lay to pasir ris. finished 1 whole chapter of bio. studied biotechnology and micro-organism. you know dat yoghurt and cheese are actually made by bacteria? eeew! i bet many of u already knew it like millions of years ago right? cox on my way home i was trying to amaze alvin and jiang ling with my newly acquired knowledge. and they both looked at me like..."huh!?! u mean u didn't know about this until like 1 hour ago!?" i gotta admit i realli felt like a goondo. especially when alvin said he knew it since he was 4 years old. diaoz... but it was funny la. and i made a new indonesian fren. he's quite a nice person, veri easy to get along with. oh, and i realli suck at cooking. even virtual. cox i was playing with JL's ds lite on the train. and every thing i do i fail. chop vegetables, fail. boil water, fail. peel potato skin, oso fail. haix.. end up JL had 2 teach me step by step to cut it this way and dat way. boil water nid stir and stuff. it was kinda funni cox im like getting so excited over cutting vegetables and i think the ppl in e train are looking at me la. so pai seh. guess im realli not cut out for this cooking thingy. okie, dat's all for today. finished my chicken pie and gotta go slp le! sch tml! 6 day week!
Monday, September 24, 2007
♥ 3:42 PM
got back some of my prelim results. bio was good. hope the other half will oso be an A1 den i'll be happy le. A maths was devastating. nvm, i dun intend 2 count it in anyway. chemistry was kinda disappointnig cox i was realli expecting an A1. turned out 2 be a B4 instead. haix.. got back my comb. sci mcq. 1st half was phy 2nd half was chem. 1st half got A1, 2nd half got D7. overall B4. diaoz... onli hope now for my comb. sci 2 be A1 is for my physics 2 realli score a high high A1. means my written paper can onli afford 2 lose 5 marks. results are realli hanging by a thread. pls let me get less than 20 and i'll be satisfied. my onli hope now is chinese.. must get A1!! hope phy will get the high high A1 and ss will pull my geog up.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
♥ 11:48 PM
well, Bubu hasn't been feeling happy lately. wonder wad's wrong. it's not dat bad things happen. in fact, nth bad happened at all. but dere's jux this sense of emptiness inside. these days have been either emo or sad. haix.. realised i've been sighing a lot too. guess dere's jux this unknown dissatisfaction inside. maybe it's realli been too long since i last had my dose of Badminton. whenever i open my cupboard and see my jerseys, i realli miss those days in the court. the badminton court realli felt like home. it's where my glory lies, my friendship began, my life changed, my joy and passion is. life feels so empty without badminton. everything i do these days seems to be half hearted. i even lost my interest in playing psp....
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
♥ 11:36 PM
helped pascale with her blog b4 i headed to cousin's hse. he realli has ZERO ds games! ahh! so i borrowed some GBA games instead. when i played the gba games on dsl, it realli felt so stupid la! it's like game boy colour on ds lite. ahh! reminded me of my pri 2 and 3 times when i will play super mario with the rest of the kids at the play ground every evening. so jl and i were scouting for nice dsl covers. cox dat console is realli a finger print magnet! and cox it's white, it get dirty realli easy. jux spotted a black spot jux now.. *heart break* we saw 1 which was quite nice but din get it cox the material could get dirty easily. end of the day we din manage 2 buy anything. so we jux sat and played games for 30 mins. Bubu needs a R4 badly!!!
♥ 12:23 PM
today is slacking at home day. no paper today so no nid go sch. and it's realli kinda boring doing nth. had bio practical exam yest. was a breeze. even had time 2 redo the full paper and e experiments cox i finished within 30 mins and im still left wif 1 full hour. tml's sci practical exam. think it's gonna be easy too. oh, and i finally bought my 320Gb external hard disk. now my com's not lagging le. hee hee!! gonna go cousin's hse later to get some games to play on jl's DS... see ya! have a great day ahead!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
♥ 11:16 PM
i 6u!l!W5 daa>|
i 6u!l!W5 daa>|
i 6u!l!W5 daa>|
Can't figure out what's that? try writing it on a piece of paper(exactly what u see here)...hee hee
Friday, September 14, 2007
♥ 12:22 PM
rain rain go away come again another day. little children want to play. rain rain go's a rainy day. prelims are finally over! freedom at last! well.. at least for now. next week onwards gonna chiong for o levels again. feeling kinda emo cause of the rain. and this morning's sharing got me thinking. it's on e topic of confidence. e sharing was on a story of a lady..this lady( i forgot wad's her name), she's a christian. she thought that by always smiling, by always keeping her head high and shoulders back, means dat she exhibited confidence. she listens more than she speaks, gives other ppl Godly counsel. however it just didn't feel right. and one day God spoke 2 her, and she realised dat she was not at all a confident person. her outward actions were just a cover to hide her inward insecurity and her unwillingness to trust in ppl. it is aways easy to counsel ppl. however she did not have e confidence in opening herself to others. by listening more she merely gave herself an excuse to not share. she did talk, but she did not share. so often we put a smile on our faces and think dat everything is alright. actually we are unknowingly sinking deeper and deeper into a hole where e ppl in our lives are fenced off. sometimes we are jux afraid of rejection so we keep it to ourselves. the Bible has stated 365 times " do not fear". dere's 1 for each day of the year! so wad's dere to fear? hee!! ps 139:14 states.."i will praise You, for i am fearfully and wonderfully made.." i really love this verse. speaks of how unique and precious each and every one of us are. In times of trouble, Tust Him, trust the ppl around us, trust ourselves. It's so important to have confidence in God and His people. Ps9:10 And those who know Your name will put their trust in You;For You, LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You.
♥ 12:10 AM
it's been a long and taxing week of examinations. totally screwed my A maths paper 1 yest. luckily today's A maths paper 2 saved me. anyway, other than A maths, im quite confident on the other subjects. am definitely expecting good results! hee! tml's the last paper! ganbatte bubu! A1! miss my baby sooo much these days. gonna see it on sat. yay! gonna play all night man! but it's here 1 day and gone e next. cox im gonna lend it again on sunday.. bo bian, with my baby around i cant concentrate on my studies. haix... nvm! after Os can play like siao le! last lap le! jia you Bubu!Ps 17:5 Uphold my steps in Your paths, That my footsteps may not slip.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
♥ 10:29 PM
whoo! fun fun day today! went sentosa with christina, mark, and alvin. went suntan, picnic, and swimming. wanted to play beach volleyball but the sand was so so hot. so we played in the water instead. was veri fun! and we were all red instead of tan at the end of the day. after sentosa we went vivo to have our dinner den christina left. and we met anna at vivo. she is working at one of the florists dere. so alvin went chat a little wif her. den we went walk walk ard vivo since it was still quite early. played xbox at challenger and alvin totally defeated the purpose of the game la. he keeps killing himself. den we went the roof dere slack a lil and take some photos...
before we statred playing...
lunch break!
while waiting for tram after shower:)
in the monorail back to harbourfront
at vivo.. after christina left
Monday, September 03, 2007
♥ 10:41 PM
was reading through someone else's blog and came upon this story. think it's quite nice.. enjoy!Two traveling angels stopped to spend the nightin the home of a wealthy family.The family was rude and refused to let the angelsstay in the mansion's guest room.Instead the angels were given a small space inthe cold basement.As they made their bed on the hard floor, theolder angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it.When the younger angel asked why,the older angel replied,"Things aren't always what they seem."The next night the pair came to rest at the houseof a very poor, but very hospitable farmer and his wife.After sharing what little food they had the couplelet the angels sleep in their bed where they couldhave a good night's rest.When the sun came up the next morning the angelsfound the farmer and his wife in tears.Their only cow, whose milk had been their soleincome, lay dead in the field.The younger angel was infuriated and asked theolder angel how could you have let this happen?The first man had everything,yet you helped him,she accused.The second family had little but was willing toshare everything, and you let the cow die."Things aren't always what they seem,"the older angel replied."When we stayed in the basement of the mansion,I notice there was gold stored in that hole in the wall.Since the owner was so obsessed with greed andunwilling to share his good fortune,I sealed the wall so he wouldn't find it.""Then last night as we slept in the farmers bed,the angel of death came for his wife.I gave him the cow instead.Things aren't always what they seem."Sometimes that is exactly what happens when thingsdon't turn out the way they should.If you have faith, you just need to trust that every out comehas a reason.You just might not know it until some time later...
♥ 10:09 PM
onli alvin turned up 2 study today. but non the less, it was still quite fun. cox i was trying to explain bio 2 him. cloning and genes were e most fun. went through chemistry and geog oso. when we were leaving for dinner, this indian guy outside the mrt station tried 2 approach us to sell us some charity thingy. and given alvin's "avoid till the end" character, he just pretended not to see the guy and kept walking. wad can u expect from a person who onli has $4 in his pocket rite? so anyway, the indian guy kept trying to get his attention but in the end the indian guy got realli fed up and started scolding us. he shouted and pointed to us," Eh!! you don't try to rude to me okie!!" woahx, i was realli pissed off by wad he did. but i still turned back and apologized la. scarly later he realli take chopper come chase us den die. actually i was quite happy we did not buy from him. he did not deserve anybody to buy from him lo. do charity do until so unwilling might as well dont do. charity is only for sincere and compassionate ppl. not for those who only do for the sake of doing it. that's just stupid! no heart, don't do! doing sth unwillingly not only makes himself miserable, it causes other ppl like us to suffer oso. seriously, i realli felt so wronged la. get scolded for nth. he do this kind of work should expect rejection 1 ma. piss me off sia. haix.. nvm, shall talk bout happy things! gonna go shopping tml again! yeah! bu bu loves shopping! gonna go buy more winter clothes! hope got cheap and nice ones. still lack a wind breaker and a pull-on sweater
♥ 10:01 AM
had a veri veri long day yest. last lesson for sotm was short. sot graduation was so so long. and i had 2 wear formal. stupid court shoes made my heels bleed. yup, the skin tore till it actually bleed. argth!!! so pain. and i wore it from 8 till 5. dat's terrible. serving for service itself was so tiring cox the crowd was jux overwhelming. after service went serve for the teacher's day reception. when i finally reached home bout 5, aunt called to go buy winter clothes. so i quickly bathe and out we go again. but shopping for winter clothing was fun fun fun!! cox i tried like everything. the different hats, the scarf, the gloves, the wind breaker. fun fun!! hee hee! bought duno wad thermal thingy, supposed to be wore inside 1. and bright orange gloves, black scarf, red hat. i think my colour combination is jux so weird. and im thinking of getting a yellow colour wind breaker. hahhaha! im think im realli colour crazy. non of it matches at all la! thank god nobody knows me when im overseas. if not will be damn malu la. hahaha!gotta go polyclinic 2 check on e flu jab today den go study with cell later. oh, and i jux changed new bed sheet and comforter. now my bed looks so bright and sunny. makes me feel so happy coming into my room!